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Source Finding Application eXectuor

An AusSRC project.

A Python wrapper for executing SoFiA and automatically merging, resolving and inserting output products to a selected PostgreSQL database. Sources that cannot be resolved automatically will be flagged for manual inspection, which can be done by users through SoFiAX’s web portal (SoFiAX_services).



The installation of SoFiAX requires python3.8 or greater. You can check the installed version on your machine with python --version. SoFiAX can be run with and without an installation of SoFiA. This is specified in the configuration file.

With sofia

SoFiAX is intended to be a wrapper around SoFiA. To use it in this way you will need SoFiA installed on your machine. The instructions below show how both SoFiA and SoFiAX can be installed.

git clone
cd SoFiA-2

git clone
cd SoFiAX
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python install

Without sofia

SoFiAX can be run without a local SoFiA installation to write data outputted from a SoFiA execution to a database of your choosing.

git clone
cd SoFiAX
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python install


There are scripts are available for generating this configuration file automatically from the image cube of interest. See:


sofiax -c config.ini -p sofia.par


We have an official Docker image for the AusSRC SoFiAX application.

docker pull aussrc/sofiax
docker run sofiax -c config.ini -p sofia.par


To run SoFiAX on a Slurm cluster you will need the sofia.par and config.ini files. We recommend you utilise the s2p_setup code for generating the approriate configuration files for the data cube of interest.

This s2p_setup repository generates a file that can be run from the Slurm head node.


The SoFiAX configuration is set in the config.ini file. The file contains all of the SoFiAX-specific information. Other information required to run sofiax is contained in the sofia.par file.




run_name = Test
spatial_extent = 5, 5
spectral_extent = 5, 5
flux = 5
uncertainty_sigma = 5
Parameter Description
db_hostname Host address for the database that you wish to write the SoFiA output products to.
db_name Name of the database.
db_username Username for a user to access to specified database.
db_password Password for a user to access to specified database.
sofia_execute Whether or not to execute sofia. 1 will launch sofia as part of sofiax, or 0 to run sofiax on existing output products
sofia_path Only required if sofiax_execute=1. Path to the sofia executable in the execution environment.
sofia_processes Only required if sofia_execute=1. Number of processes across which to execute sofia.
run_name Name of the run, used to identify the products in the database.
spatial_extent SoFiA attribute
spectral_extent SoFiA attribute
flux SoFiA attribute
uncertainty_sigma SoFiA attribute


The sofia.par file allows the user to customise the run of sofia. This file is required even if sofia_execute=0 as the location of output files is contained in this parameter file. The relavant links are:


To verify the installation of SoFiAX is successful you can download and run SoFiAX on the test case. Download the files:

First step is to extract the contents of the file:

tar -xzvf sofia_test_case.tar.gz

This should create a folder called sofiax_test_case. Now you will need a PostgreSQL database with the correct schema installed, which can be done via our initalisation script in this SoFiAX_services repository. You can use the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file in the repository to create the database instance on your local machine with the following commands from inside SoFiAX_services/db

docker build -t sofiax_db .
docker-compose up

You will also need to update the SoFiAX config.ini file with the credentials for your database

db_hostname = <your_hostname>
db_name = <your_db_name>
db_username = <your_username>
db_password = <your_password>

Once you have access to a PostgreSQL database with the correct schema, updated the config.ini file with the credentials and installed SoFiAX, you are ready to test that it runs correctly. Run the following command

sofiax -c sofiax_test_case/config.ini -p sofiax_test_case/sofia_058.par

Your command line output for a successful run of SoFiAX will be

$ sofiax -c test_case/config.ini -p test_case/sofia.par

2021-06-14 04:10:46,806 - root - INFO - Processing test_case/sofia.par
2021-06-14 04:10:47,008 - root - INFO - Sofia completed: test_case/sofia.par
2021-06-14 04:10:47,143 - root - INFO - No duplicates, Name: SoFiA J120120.94+615351.3
2021-06-14 04:10:47,275 - root - INFO - No duplicates, Name: SoFiA J120215.81+620729.5
2021-06-14 04:10:47,421 - root - INFO - No duplicates, Name: SoFiA J120142.94+621931.7